Analysis is used in many different contexts and situations, with different purposes. It is a process, but also a product.
The word “analysis” refers to a structured examination of something (cf. Cambridge Dictionary). This “structured” process is was distinguishes analyses from other, random, inquiries or speculations. But how can we create such a structure? Is there a recipie for how to do analysis?
Yes and no. Depending on the area and type of analysis, there might be certain requirements, guidances, or rules. Looking at analysis in everyday situations, business applications, societal issues, and many other, the Diamond Model of Applied Analysis can help to create a structure to the analysis and make sure there is a link between all parts. By using the Diamond, the analysis will be guided by a relevant Question, use clear Concepts, be based on solid data and Analytics, and present Results that are valuable for the recipient.
Read more about the Diamond Model of Applied Analysis in a paper here (contact Peter Dahlin to get access to the paper).