Collect Data using Interviews or Focus Groups

Challenge: Get (qualitative) data for your analysis without influencing the interviewee.


You are asked to contribute to the development of a product (choose any). Formulate a Question that can guide you!

Through own reflection or – better – group discussion, formulate the Concepts, i.e. key aspects of the product. It could be related to functionality, durability, affordability, sustainability, etc.

Now think of an interview guide, i.e. questions, scenarios, assignments etc that you can use in an interview or group interview (focus group) to get rich data on the aspects your need. However, you must not be explicit about which product you are working on!
Remember that your interviewees are not supposed to answer the Question, that is your job based on the data you collect. (It is not the interviewees’ answer to the question, but your analytically sophisticated answer we want.)

Arrange one or more interviews or focus groups. See if you can get valuable insights that can contribute to the product development. Were you able to avoid bias from your questions? From the interviewee’s assumptions and prejudice?

Suggested Results

Briefly present your Question and Concepts.

Present your interview guide and how you intended the interview to give you relevant data.

Reflect on the outcome, its usability and reliability.

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