Applied Analysis does not have to be related to a complex situation where business value, strategic alignment, or policy considerations come into play. It can be relevant even in the most basic, everyday situation where you have to make a decision. Often you probably do not even think of these as decisions, and if you actually approach it with a plan you are rather unique. However, “simple” everyday situations are great to practice the structured approach to analysis, as is described in the Analytical Diamond model.
Choose a situation in your everyday life (where you have to make a decision) and approach it with the analyst’s mindset, using the diamond model. Report in max 500 words or a slideshow presentation, covering all four parts. You should show that you can apply the model of applied analysis to a relevant situation.
For course assignments, indicative grading criteria are (1=WEAK, 5=STRONG)
- Some, but not all, parts are included. Inconsistent application to the situation.
- All four parts of the model are included and applied to a relevant situation.
- Clear distinction and no confusion between the four parts.
- High precision and a coherent presentation where the four parts make up one story.
- Insights beyond the obvious are shown through the use of the analysis model.
Choose a situation that includes a choice between 2 or more options. Avoid situations that aim at fact-seeking.
For the analytics, it is a good idea to use weighted ranking or decision-tree (manually defined rules).