Assignment: Analytics Portfolio

Requirements for the course FOA235 – INL1

For your life-long learning, and development and display of skills, you are free to design the analytics portfolio in whatever way that suits you. However, for the examination in the course, your portfolio must include:

  • A first page containing:
    • Your name, date of birth (qualifications/degree/title optional)
    • A summary statement of what you want to show
    • A matrix of the Examples vs the Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Example 1 should be “Your take on the Diamond Model” (see task instructions)
  • At least 3 more examples of your choice. (If you submit more than 3, indicate which should be evaluated for INL1)
    Select them carefully so they display your range of skills (see section “What should the portfolio show” in the text about the Analytics Portfolio). The examples cannot be the same as for other assignments on the course.

As always, all forms of cheating is absolutely forbidden. If you are using someone else’s work you must clearly specify that. This also applies if you are re-using work you have done yourself.

You can read about the Analytics Portfolio here:

One thought on “Assignment: Analytics Portfolio

  1. Hello Peter!
    I wonder if both examples have to be business related. I have a topic that I have been researching and reading for a couple of months and I feel like I can really present a good analysis about it, but it has nothing to do with the business.

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