(Swedish) Ranking av städer

Tidskriften Fokus gör varje år en ranking av Sveriges kommuner utifrån frågan: Var är det bäst att leva? På länken nedan kan du ta del av rankingen, se särskilt länk till PDF med alla poäng. Läs igenom materialet och se om det är tydligt hur rankingen är gjord. […]

Business Value from Analysis

Analysis should create some sort of value. It can support decision-making, personalize an experience, or predict and avoid mistakes. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of what “value” the analysis should deliver, and to whom. What distinguishes Business Analytics from other Analytics (including the generic data-centered “Analytics”) is […]

Which company will first go bankrupt?

Which of the following companies will first go bankrupt*: Facebook, H&M, or Tesla? Use the Analytical Diamond to structure your analysis. Specify/rephrase the Question as needed. Make assumptions where needed, and be explicit about them. Define Concepts according to your understanding of the phenomenon – or previous research […]

Assignment: Analytics Portfolio

Requirements for the course FOA235 – INL1 For your life-long learning, and development and display of skills, you are free to design the analytics portfolio in whatever way that suits you. However, for the examination in the course, your portfolio must include: A first page containing: Your name, […]

Applied Analysis in an Everyday Situation

Applied Analysis does not have to be related to a complex situation where business value, strategic alignment, or policy considerations come into play. It can be relevant even in the most basic, everyday situation where you have to make a decision. Often you probably do not even think […]

Your take on the Diamond Model

The Diamond Model of Applied Analysis describes a structured approach to analysis. How do you see this? Describe your approach to analysis, use your own words or borrow the terminology from the diamond model (approx. 2 pages). Add, remove, rephrase so that it fits your approach to analysis. […]

Find the Question in a Research Paper

Find a research paper in a field you are interested in. Skip the abstract and start reading the Introduction. What Questions can you think of from the Introduction? Could you guess the aim and research question before they were explicitly stated in the text? What research questions does […]