(Swedish) Ranking av städer

Tidskriften Fokus gör varje år en ranking av Sveriges kommuner utifrån frågan: Var är det bäst att leva? På länken nedan kan du ta del av rankingen, se särskilt länk till PDF med alla poäng. Läs igenom materialet och se om det är tydligt hur rankingen är gjord. […]

Predict Annual Spending in E-Commerce

Use the data available at https://www.kaggle.com/kolawale/focusing-on-mobile-app-or-website What Questions can you formulate, considering the data you have? What Conceptual reasoning do you suggest? What Analytics approach could be appropriate? What Results do you get? On Kaggle, users can submit reports on their approaches. Now have a look at one […]

Conceptualization through Pictionary

Developing the Concepts is about finding the key aspects, dimensions and perspectives on whatever the analysis aims to understand. The development of Concepts is likely to result in a “model”, specifying which aspects you include in your analysis (other aspects may be relevant, but if they are not […]

Applied Analysis in an Everyday Situation

Applied Analysis does not have to be related to a complex situation where business value, strategic alignment, or policy considerations come into play. It can be relevant even in the most basic, everyday situation where you have to make a decision. Often you probably do not even think […]

Cluster Analysis of Data set

Find a data set you find interesting, and perform cluster analysis on it. The data should have at least two variables with good variation. Perform k-means clustering using R, Python, or an online tool. Some online tools are also great at explaining and visualizing what happens. Try https://datatab.net/statistics-calculator/cluster […]

Try Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a term used for a number of different techniques where hyper-dimensional datasets can be used without prior conceptualization and definition of the relationships between variables. The “machine” will “learn” from the data. As a result, a ML-model can be very complex and thus treated as […]

Find the Question in a Research Paper

Find a research paper in a field you are interested in. Skip the abstract and start reading the Introduction. What Questions can you think of from the Introduction? Could you guess the aim and research question before they were explicitly stated in the text? What research questions does […]

Find the Diamond in a research paper

Challenge: Decompose a research paper into the four parts of the diamond Instructions Find a research paper that concerns something of interest to you. It can be an excerpt from a book (even textbook), an article published in a journal or conference proceedings, or an open-access paper. Use […]

Formulate relevant Questions (news)

Challenge: Formulate one or more Questions for analysis relevant to a specific situation Instructions Find a news text in a newspaper, online news site, or on TV. Describe what question(s) you believe was driving the journalist when writing the story. Reflect on their clarity and relevance. Formulate one […]